Saturday, 13 July 2013

Sweltering in Scotland.....

We have had such a glorious week of sunshine here it's unbelievable. In recent years we've had glorious April, May and June's but the minute it hits July (and school holidays) it rains and forgets to stop. So I'm working outside.....
making, or trying to make lavender for some little pitchers and my little garden. I made the pitchers from an online tutorial which I've linked to. The two shown here are the best of the 15 or so I made. It looked so easy.... haha... shovel fingers...poor wee Tess our Spaniel is a real hot dog so she has been confined to the cool kitchen, as I will be too soon as son is cutting the grass...................


  1. Muy bonitas imágenes :)
    Y las flores de lavanda me gustan mucho!!
    Quise ser tu seguidora , pero no pude.
    Hermoso tu blog!!!
    Un abrazo

    1. Thank you Flower, I'm not an expert at making flowers but they filled my pitchers nicely. I'm sorry you couldn't follow the blog - maybe a Google thing?? I'm learning myself as you can see I've managed to follow myself and as yet can't figure how to sort it... lol ?
      Thanks again for kind compliments,

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