Saturday, 13 July 2013

Beacon Hill and a new garden....

Whilst husband was away last week I noticed this house being sold as an 'undecorated Wooden House'. I recognized it as Beacon Hill immediately, and I've long wanted this American kit, however having costed it out on various sites it really was going to be way too expensive to purchase house from States (although kit price reasonable in comparison to similar sized kits in UK) but then add shipping and additional customs charges made it extortionate. Anyway, here it is. Enormous. Courier driver warned of a divorce much gluing, sanding and removing bits to get into stairwells will ensue, but dreaming of who will own it, how it will be decorated is such fun. Here in Scotland we maybe get two or three Dolls House fairs a year and depending on where or when it's not always possible to attend so the internet is a godsend if you want to find something a little different. Yes we have a few shops scattered about here, but best for me being Dolls House Emporium just outside Penrith but a two hour drive away, wonderful place and Museum vignettes to see too. However as I was trying to link to it just now I've read they are closing this concession and selling everything off :( So next year (or maybe later this year) I'd like to go to Miniatura in Birmingham, London's Kensington Dolls House Fairs, and the French SIMP show in Paris, so I'd better delete that link to that well known retail site!   Oh and here's a garden I bought, again online and it was so reasonable - the kits alone used to make the flowers are wonderful, such detail, whoever made them was so talented and the colour combination is lovely. I've added a few Pinhead flowers (Scabious) three Hydrangea heads, plus some pink and yellow roses, a dovecote, some pots, bird table, a hutch, table and chairs. It needs new fencing but lollipop sticks will fill that need. I had to stick all the lavender back in place and much was broken to might try to make some today outside, as my paints were drying up faster than I could apply it yesterday. This will be a lovely setting for my Crinoline ladies. I'm going to have a go at a rustic wooden bridge, a wishing well and some rustic twig furniture as the wire pieces don't look right.


  1. Congratulations on your Beacon Hill! That is a lovely house and you will have fun finishing it off. The garden is wonderful too.

  2. Thank you Isabelle! I've a lot of re-sticking to do, sanding etc... have already pulled out non-opening front door and added another plus opening french doors to balcony. It's going to be an Art Nouveau/ Arts & Crafts house so excited about getting on with it but have other projects to finish ;)


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